If ever there’s been a universal need for more moments of mindfulness, positivity and self-care, surely 2020 was the year.

When things started to shut down back in March, Frankston local Alanna Deutrom turned to journaling as a creative and therapeutic outlet. She began creating abstract single-line drawings and jotting down affirmations as a way of dealing with the stress of lockdown, though soon the project began to take on a life of its own. Whilst she laughs that she still wouldn’t call herself an “artist”, Alanna found that creating a daily ritual around taking pen to paper allowed her to maintain a positive mindset during isolation. It was through this practice – and from the contents of her sketchbooks – that the idea for Grounded Minds was born.

Alanna launched Grounded Minds alongside her partner Angus, with whom she also runs Coach Music Academy in Frankston. Together they have crafted a collection of ‘Happy Thoughts’ affirmation cards, released online in early November. Unlike your average deck, there are 42 cards in the pack, each featuring an original line drawing and an inspirational message. Whilst the positive mantras and affirmations are designed to make you feel more grounded and connected; the bright and whimsical illustrations are sure to set hearts aflutter.

In 2021, Grounded minds teamed up with Madelyn Carafa of #1 podcast The Heathy Husters to create the 'Conscious Mama Guidance Cards', with words by Madelyn and illustrations by Alanna. The 42 guidance cards are designed for all Mamas; to bring comfort, instil confidence, and help positively guide their thinking as they honour the seasons of motherhood.

When asked what drew her to the art of single line drawing – popularised by the likes of Matisse and Picasso – Alanna explains that it is both a fun challenge and a form of meditation. She starts the process with a blank page and a big black marker, allowing her creativity to guide the direction of the piece.

She then converts the sketches to digital art, adding pops of colour and bringing the illustrations to life. Alanna has created hundreds of original single line portraits – all with their own style and personalities – though the 42 faces selected and featured on the cards are the ones that she holds closest to her heart. With Alanna in charge of creative direction, she’s thankful to have Angus on board to take care of “the business-ey side of things” and to help bring her ideas to fruition.

A firm believer in the power of positive thinking, Alanna is passionate about personal development and encouraging others to adopt more mindful practices into their routines. “I have always been an advocate for daily affirmations. On waking each morning, I immediately pick a card, setting my intentions and carrying the message with me for the day.” Having grown up on The Ninch, Alanna draws inspiration from being outdoors and immersing herself in nature.

She starts each day with a walk along the beach with Angus and their Labradoodle Rupert. “I will always have a soft spot for the Peninsula,” says Alanna. “There is no place in the world that I’d rather be.”

Alanna and Angus hope that their affirmation cards will inspire and inject positivity into the hearts of minds of others. After the season that’s been, we all could do with a nourishing dose of self-care.